If you have been a regular reader of this, you should be aware of what network marketing is. Network marketing is a major part of a direct selling company like QNET India and plays a huge role in making it the success that it has become. But how much better is network marketing when compared to traditional marketing? Why is network marketing considered so much better when compared to traditional marketing? Here are the main differences in network marketing vs traditional business.
Network Marketing vs Traditional Business
Network marketing is not a novel idea. It has been around for a long time and is, in fact, the core basis of many businesses of the past. In network marketing, in addition to you selling your products, you can hire or contract other people to sell the products as well. This not only increases the reach of your products but also allows you to sell more and make bigger profits. In a direct selling company like QNET, all distributors are business owners and entrepreneurs. Unlike traditional businesses, direct selling companies like QNET operate by building their sales team by enlisting and motivating individual entrepreneurs to sell their products and to build their sales team.
Benefits of Network Marketing
There are many benefits to the network marketing model of business.
Minimal Risk
Direct selling companies like QNET are known for their low-risk nature when compared to traditional businesses. This is because the former does not have a high initial cost and immense risk associated with them. This allows anyone to start their own business without too much worry of failing. High initial setup costs, difficulty finding clients and losing time and money are just some of the problems that people who engage in traditional businesses have to face. All this, especially the high setup cost, makes traditional businesses a hard field to venture into for most common people.
A direct selling business like QNET works to minimise these risks and maximise the chance of success. The initial startup cost of direct selling businesses is negligible when compared to traditional businesses. This allows anyone to take the leap and start their journey.
Potential for Unlimited Profit
There is almost no limit to how much profit you can earn as a QNET direct seller. But when you join a traditional job or a traditional business, your profits are more or less set by the industry standards. How much money you can make as a QNET direct seller is solely dependent on the amount of time and effort that you are willing to put into it. QNET India does not hold you back but rather gives you all the necessary help and support to reach your maximum potential.
Reduced Operating Costs
You can run a QNET direct selling business from the comfort of your home. Meanwhile, running a traditional business requires you to invest in infrastructure and employees. This allows you to have a much better business as you have more profit as you do not have a lot of operating costs.
A source of Passive Income
One of the biggest benefits of QNET India is that it allows you to enjoy passive income. After you recruit a new seller to your business, you have the ability to reap the benefits from the sales that they make. Furthermore, any new recruit that your recruits introduce to the business also gives you more commission and so on. This allows you to build a long and widespread network that can allow you to enjoy the benefits of passive income.
Financial Freedom
One of the most important landmarks in life that you have to strive for is to achieve financial freedom. QNET India is a business that has the potential to provide you with a fulfilling lifestyle. Financial independence or freedom is not about making a lot of money. It is about making enough money to cover your expenses and needs so that you can spend your time doing things that you actually enjoy instead of working jobs just to earn money.
One important and attractive feature of direct selling is that it allows for complete flexibility. Most traditional businesses will have you working for a set time period and from an office or workspace. Direct selling companies like QNET are different from traditional businesses in the sense that they give you complete flexibility when it comes to working. As a direct seller for QNET, you get to choose your own working hours, the days that you work and how often. This allows you to find the perfect balance between your professional life and personal life, as well as to find time to do things that you actually like to do.
Why Choose QNET?
QNET India is hands down one of the best and most beloved direct selling companies in India. It has over 23 years of experience in providing the best direct selling services to people around the world in the form of high-quality products as well as a business opportunities. There are many reasons why QNET India is a good direct selling company in India. Check out this detailed article on why QNET India is one of the best direct selling companies in India if you are looking to start your business. If you are looking for a business opportunity that will change your life, then QNET India is the one for you!
I hope this article was enough to help you understand the concept of Network Marketing vs Traditional Business. So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET India official blog to learn more about the company, the direct selling industry as well all the products that it has to offer.