
QNET Data Driven Training Initiatives During a Pandemic

Information in any format is essential for productive training and development strategies. The direct selling industry relies on establishing personalized connections. With a distributed workforce, it is imperative that organizations invest in resources that enable them to make independent decisions. Traditional networking techniques have evolved as millennials are constantly on the move. This has resulted…


QNET India Selling- Upskilling and Reskilling in a Distributed Workforce

Training and development are key to success in the direct selling industry. With independent entrepreneurs aspiring to associate with brands as distributors, organizations are beginning to adapt and transform. QNET India selling opportunities provides alternatives for sellers to adapt and transform. Therefore, the QNET persepective is to emppwer and support direct sellers to strategize and…


Direct Selling Operations Made Simple

One must agree that with technological advancements, marketing as a concept has evolved. Direct selling or network marketing has followed the traditional way as opposed to the digitized form of marketing. With promotional methods like radio broadcasting, TV commercials, bulk advertisements, magazines and brochures, leading direct marketing companies have found it time consuming and tedious…


Direct Selling and Innovation- Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

The impact of innovation in any business-oriented sector has a positive effect in terms of sustainability, development, and creativity. With independent and flexible workforce strategies, the direct selling industry has transitioned their operations that facilitate optimal resource management. The impact of virtual means of contacting customers is prevalent and helps sellers focus on multiple products…